Startle Music

1  Venue

All lessons will take place at my home, unless agreed beforehand.  I have appropriate business and Public Liability Insurance, and full DBS clearance.

2 Fees

Music lessons are currently charged at £32 per hour, and this fee is due for review in 2024.

Most pupils take 30 minute lessons, at a charge of £16, although 20 minute lessons are available for beginners.  45 minute and 60 minute lessons are available for advanced pupils, and those learning more than one instrument, or an instrument plus music theory.  In some cases, shared lessons can be arranged for the early stages of learning, and the lesson fee is shared equally between pupils.

3 Payment and Cancellation

I teach for 39 weeks of the year, in line with the Somerset LEA term dates, and including any Bank Holidays within these dates.  Teaching dates are also published in the Pupil Portal online.

My preferred payment method is by monthly standing order.  For weekly 30 minute lessons, this works out at £52 per month (39 lessons x £16, divided into 12 equal monthly payments, to include the month of August). 

If I have 24 hours' notice that you are unable to attend your lesson, I will attempt to reschedule it for a different time the same week, or to organise a double lesson for the following week.  If neither of these options is mutually convenient, I will give you a lesson credit, so that you can take the lesson at a more convenient time during the school holidays.  If I need to cancel a lesson (rare), I will make it up or credit it in the same way.

Lessons cancelled with less than 24 hours' notice are still payable.  

4 Additional Lessons

Extra lessons (e.g. if a pupil wishes to take lessons during the school holidays, or requires more help in preparing for an exam/ performance) are available on a Pay As You Go basis.  Please ask me if you are interested.

5 Pupil Responsibilities

Pupils and their parents are responsible for the upkeep and insurance of their instruments.  Pupils should attend all lessons well prepared, with the correct equipment.  Regular practice makes an enormous difference, and while I recognise that our lives can be very busy, I expect pupils to fit some in where they can, and to do their best to complete tasks set.

6 Exams and Performances

Pupils are encouraged to take an active part in setting their own goals for learning, which might or might not include exams.  The decision to take a music exam needs to be taken jointly by the pupil, parents (if under 18) and the teacher.  I encourage pupils to take exams if they would like to, and if they will be beneficial to their learning at a particular point in time.  However, I will not enter any pupil who has not made a start on the pieces, or who does not have a good grasp of the scale/technical requirements by the closing date (usually approximately two months before the exam).

Participation in music festivals and other performance opportunities are offered to all pupils when appropriate.

I act as piano accompanist free of charge, up to Grade 5/6 (depending on the instrument, and the pieces selected), and also for music festivals.  I am happy to assist in finding suitable piano accompanists for the higher grades.  Pupils and their families are responsible for exam and festival fees, and for fees charged by professional accompanists.

7 Other Services

As well as providing high quality, individually tailored lessons, I am happy to advise about instrument hire and purchase, accessories, sheet music and repertoire selection.  I can answer quick questions via text or email, and endeavour to reply with 24 hours.  I can advise and assist with preparations for GCSE Music (including Composition), various performances, and auditions for regional and national groups.

8 Cooling Off Period

You have a legal right to cancel this agreement within 14 days of signing, and fees for any lessons not taken will be refunded.

9 Notice Period

If you wish to discontinue lessons after the cooling off period, a minimum of six weeks' notice must be given in writing.  I will acknowledge your request, and calculate the remaining bill.  

Please note that pupils on the Standing Order system who give up or move on (e.g. to university) at the end of the academic year will be billed up until the end of August, as this month's payment is usually for lessons already taken.